Age-Friendly DC's Strategic Plan is organized into three pillars: Built Environment, Changing Attitudes about Age and Other Characteristics, and Lifelong Health and Security. Within those three pillars, areas of focus or domains, recommended by the World Health Organization, were adopted to organize the work. In 2017, DC residents shared their observations on life in the District, leading to the creation of six additional domains. Those DC-specific domains are marked with an asterisk (*) in the list below.
Provide access to buildings and opportunities to be active in public spaces.
Ensure traveling options are safe and easily available.
Provide affordable and accessible places to live.
Connect community members through events, programs and activities.
Welcome all regardless of differences.
Civic Participation and Employment
Promote opportunities to be involved in the city’s functions and economy.
Share knowledge about news and programs.
Community Support and Health Services
Promote positive health outcomes for all.
Emergency Preparedness and Resilience*
Promote community recovery from unexpected events.
Abuse, Neglect, and Undue Influence*
Prevent and punish the unjust treatment and abuse of community members.
Prevent lifelong financial hardship.
Encourage learning throughout life.
Ensure community members feel secure and safe in any community.
Support those who are caring for someone with long-term needs.