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Age-Friendly DC

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Lifelong Learning

lifelong learning iconLifelong Learning

Our Aim: Encourage learning throughout life.

# Objectives Partner Agencies & Organizations
3.5.1 Increase the percent of DC students meeting or exceeding reading and math standards at all grade levels. OSSE, DME, DCPCSB, DCPL
3.5.2 Increase the number of adults seeking their GED, post-secondary education, career training and/or apprenticeship programs. OSSE, DME, DCPCSB, DCPL, CERT, AARP-DC, DSLBD, DOES, AmeriCorps
3.5.3 Promote non-career focused learning opportunities. DCPL, DPR, Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area, OSHER

Interconnected Domains:

  • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  • Civic Participation and Employment
  • Communication and Information
  • Social Participation
  • Care Partnering