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Age-Friendly DC

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housing domain iconHousing

Our Aim: Provide affordable and accessible places to live.

# Objectives Partner Agencies & Organizations
1.3.1 Increase the number of community members living in Quality Housing.* DOEE, DPR, CFSA, DCHFA, DHCD, Housing Authority
1.3.2 Continue to increase affordable housing options within the District. DHCD, HSEMA, DMPED, ONSE, SOME, OP, LIIF, DDS, DISB, DCHFA
1.3.3 Increase access to home rehabilitation programs and services, with safety and mobility in mind. DHCD, DOEE, DDS, HSEMA, DCHFA, SOME

* Quality housing, as defined by the Healthy Peopole 2030 plan, ensure safe, stable, and affordable living conditions that reduce exposure to health hazards and promote overall well-being.

Interconnected Domains:

  • Community Support and Health Services
  • Public Safety
  • Transportation
  • Financial Security