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Age-Friendly DC

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Abuse, Neglect, and Undue Influence

abuse neglect and undue influence iconAbuse, Neglect, and Undue Influence

Our Aim: Prevent and penalize the unjust treatment and abuse of community members.

# Objectives Partner Agencies & Organizations
3.3.1 Increase awareness of Child and Adult Protective Services resources and guidance. DACL, CFSA, MPD, OAG
3.3.2 Increase awareness and tracking of scams. DACL, MPD, OAG, DISB, AARP DC
3.3.3 Increase participation in annual review with mandated reporters about their responsibilities. DCPS, DC Primary Care Association, MPD, FEMS, DACL, DBH, DPR, CFSA

Interconnected Domains:

  • Public Safety
  • Financial Security
  • Community Support and Health Services
  • Care Partnering
  • Lifelong Learning