Thank you for nominating the business below for recognition as a business which welcomes DC’s older residents.
Please complete one application for each business. Businesses with multiple DC locations may request one application for all.
Provide as much information as you can. Age-Friendly Commission Volunteers will verify each business’s eligibility.
Eligibility. To receive the age-friendly business designation, the business must:
1. Be physically located in the District of Columbia
2. Have a valid, non-expired business license
3. Pledge to uphold the age-friendly checklist values
Application. To apply for the age-friendly business designation, the business must:
1. Complete the checklist:
2. Provide supporting documentation in the form section below
3. Submit application to the DC Economic Partnership
Nominate your local Age-Friendly Business
To find out more about the Age-Friendly Business initiative and to see a list of those business which have been designated, please visit the Washington DC Economic Partnership's Age Friendly Business page.